Xanigo Freedom Cordless Atomizer

$445.00 $395.00 395.00


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The Freedom Atomizer

The cord free way to cover any space!

The Xanigo disinfecting system atomizer is:

  • Light and easy to use
  • Consistent and effective
  • 3rd Party tested to ensure efficacy
  • Uses far less disinfectant per sq. ft than other methods
  • Fast...you will cut disinfecting time in half or more
  • Long battery life
  • Reliable...built and designed to last
  • Affordable...a price point that allow every small business to disinfect properly
  • Freedom Includes: 20V 2A Lithium Ion Battery and a charger with indicator lights

    Reduced Inhalation Risk: The atomizer is designed and tested to produce a droplet size that settles fast and dries quickly. Combined with our disinfectant with a dwell time of 60 seconds, it does it’s job!

    Saves Disinfectant Cost: The power of the Xanigo atomizer enables it to use far less disinfectant than others to effectively cover the same area. Less disinfectant means cost savings for your business.

    Simple and Easy to Use: The Xanigo atomizer is designed for everyone to operate. Very little moving parts and a powerful motor does the job for you. Unscrew the pot, fill it with disinfectant, put it back on and pull the trigger. It’s that simple!